Los Farallones de Sutatausa (Cundinamarca)
Cuchillas de Sutatausa
Sunset looking for new routes
Photo: Miguel Angel García
Sutatausa's headland is located in the northeast of Cundinamarca's region, 88km. from Bogotá, at 2.550m with a dry weather around 12 and 18 ºC. These cliffs have a great potential for the development of sports and classic climbing and also for bouldering. There is also the possibility to practice other outdoor sports like mountain biking and trekking through different routes and paths. At the moment there are a few totally equipped routes and some projects that are being developed.
Viviana Gómez "El Hueco" V4
Gabriel Rubiano "El Negocio" 12b ??
How to get there:    

By car:
From Bogotá (about 1 hour), going by the “autopista norte”, and deviating on the Parque Jaime Duque (Briceño) taking the route to Ubaté. Before getting to Sutatausa's town you start watching the first cliffs on the right hand side, there you take the first deviation which is an unpaved road, and after 8 mins. you get to the shop “Don Carlos”. There you can leave your car, buy what you need from Don Carlos shop and if you are planning to camp there you can ask him to recommend you the best place to do so.

By Bus:
You take the bus that goes to Ubaté in the Portal Norte of the Transmilenium bus system. It costs around U$2. Remember to get of before arriving to Sutatausa's town; take the unpaved road and walk for about 25 min. until getting to the “Don Carlos” shop. Or, when you get to Sutatausa you ask how to go to the Cliffs (known there as Cuchillas), because there is another acces from the town.

To get to the rocks, you walk along the colonial way until getting to the base of the first climbing routes (in 25 to 30 mins). This zone is called “Zona del Rey León” (Lion's King Zone) and there you'll find a few routes. On the way you find some boulders.

More info. Please contact:    
Miguel Angel García Tel: +(57)3118709992 - +(57-1) 520 6017    
Curious information:    
On these cliffs, in 1541, took place one of the most tragic and sad episodes in colonial times; the suicide of more than five thousand indigenous from the groups: Tausa, Sutas and Cucunubaes, that were prosecuted by the Spanish and preferred to be immolated, throwing themselves from the top of the crag, rather than being slaves.